MACD 5.bin
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212 lines
; This here code is for a process started up by CLImax which has the job of
; actually carrying out the creation of the new CLI process and then waiting
; for it to finish and then closing the screen it used.
; Written for the Manx assembler, hopefully
; portable. Use the -n flag for one-pass assembly. Link with the +a flag.
; This code is incorporated into the program CLImax, which then copies it into
; an allocated block of public memory. It copies everything found between
; the two symbols _beginning and _ending. The new process adds this area of
; memory into its tc_MemEntry list for automatic cleanup.
xdef _beginning
xdef _ending
xdef _StuffOffs
xdef _CommandOffs
xdef _CloseStuff
xdef _NameOffs
xdef _FakeOffs
include "exec/types.i" ; nobody pulls this in!
include "exec/memory.i"
include "exec/tasks.i"
include "exec/execbase.i"
include "intuition/screens.i"
include "libraries/dosextens.i"
include "libraries/dos_lib.i"
STRUCTURE stufff,0
CPTR ibase
CPTR gbase
CPTR dosbase
CPTR fawnt
CPTR scr
CPTR win
BPTR wandle
BPTR ceedee
LABEL stuffsize
stuf equr a5 ; the stuff struct
clap equr a4 ; our struct CLI
me equr a3 ; FindTask(null)
mist equr a2 ; tc_MemEntry addition
pathlist equr d7 ; the command path bptr-list
memlistsize equ ML_SIZE+ME_SIZE ; size of MemList
; with one MemEntry
codesize equ 8+_ending-_beginning ; size of our "seglist"
; I'm getting my _LVO symbol definitions from Manx c.lib; I don't know where
; you get yours.
;;;; AAAAAAGH! As of Aztec 5.0d1, all of a sudden c.lib has INCORRECT VALUES
;;;; for the _LVO symbols for dos.library! They're POSITIVE!! So, we get the
;;;; correct values from libraries/dos_lib.i and check here:
lcall: macro ; call whatever library is in a6
ifd _LVO\1
xref _LVO\1 ; (few dublications)
jsr _LVO\1(a6)
xcall: macro ; make an exec library call
move.l 4,a6
lcall \1
cnop 0,4 ; USE LN'S +A OPTION to make this work
; ============================ The first word copied is also the entry point:
_beginning: lea stuff(pc),stuf
sub.l a1,a1
xcall FindTask
move.l d0,me
move.l #memlistsize,d0
xcall AllocMem ; make a MemList with one entry
move.l d0,mist
tst.l d0
beq DOit(pc) ; low ram? then we'll lose more!
; (this code won't deallocate)
move.l #codesize,ML_ME+ME_LENGTH(mist)
lea _beginning(pc),a0
moveq #8,d0
sub.l d0,a0
move.l a0,ML_ME+ME_ADDR(mist)
move.w #1,ML_NUMENTRIES(mist) ; the memlist points
lea TC_MEMENTRY(me),a0 ; to our code
move.l mist,a1
lcall AddTail ; plug in where RemTask looks.
DOit: move.l wandle(stuf),d0
asl.l #2,d0
move.l d0,a0
move.l fh_Type(a0),pr_ConsoleTask(me)
move.l win(stuf),pr_WindowPtr(me)
move.l ceedee(stuf),pr_CurrentDir(me)
lea fakli(pc),a0
move.l a0,d0
asr.l #2,d0
move.l d0,pr_CLI(me)
move.l dosbase(stuf),a6
moveq #0,d3
move.l wandle(stuf),d2
lea command(pc),a0
move.l a0,d1
lcall Execute ; TA DA!
move.l wandle(stuf),d1
lcall Close
clr.l pr_CLI(me)
lea fakli(pc),clap
move.l pr_CurrentDir(me),d1
beq nounlock(pc)
lcall UnLock
clr.l pr_CurrentDir(me)
nounlock: move.l cli_CommandDir(clap),pathlist
asl.l #2,pathlist
beq die(pc)
getapode: move.l pathlist,a2
move.l (a2),pathlist ; bptr to next
move.l 4(a2),d1 ; lock
beq nounlick(pc)
move.l dosbase(stuf),a6
lcall UnLock
nounlick: move.l a2,a1
moveq #8,d0
xcall FreeMem
asl.l #2,pathlist
bne getapode(pc)
die: move.l stuf,-(sp) ; C style parm
bsr _CloseStuff
addq #4,sp
moveq #0,d1
move.l dosbase(stuf),a6
lcall Exit ; bye bye
; this routine can be called both from the main program and from the bud
; process. In the former case the copy of stuff that we need to use is not
; the one we can find at stuff(pc). So we pass the stuff pointer as a C arg.
_CloseStuff: move.l 4(sp),stuf
tst.l wandle(stuf)
bne nocloseW(pc)
tst.l win(stuf)
beq nocloseW(pc)
move.l ibase(stuf),a6
move.l win(stuf),a0
lcall CloseWindow
; call CloseWindow only if wandle has NEVER been nonzero
nocloseW: tst.l scr(stuf)
beq nocloseS(pc)
xcall Forbid ; fuck the macro
wait: move.l scr(stuf),a0
tst.l sc_FirstWindow(a0)
beq closeS(pc)
move.l dosbase(stuf),a6
moveq #50,d1
lcall Delay
bra wait(pc)
closeS: move.l ibase(stuf),a6
lcall CloseScreen ; stuff->scr already in a0
xcall Permit
nocloseS: tst.l fawnt(stuf)
beq nocloseF(pc)
move.l fawnt(stuf),a1
move.l gbase(stuf),a6
lcall CloseFont
nocloseF: move.l ibase(stuf),a1
xcall CloseLibrary
move.l gbase(stuf),a1
lcall CloseLibrary
command: ds.b 88
_CommandOffs: dc.w command-_beginning
stuff: ds.b stuffsize
_StuffOffs: dc.w stuff-_beginning
procname: dc.b "CLImax",0
_NameOffs: dc.w procname-_beginning
cnop 0,4
fakli: ds.b cli_SIZEOF
prompt: dc.b 4,"%N> ",0,0,0
ds.b 56
setname: dc.b 4,"SYS:",0,0,0
ds.b 80
_FakeOffs: dc.w fakli-_beginning
cnop 0,4
_ending: dc.l 0 ; safety pad